When is the best time of year to sell your Fort Wayne house?

The winter season? NOPE 👎⛔️❌ Summer? YEP 🤝🤑😎 Assuming that the house is in tip-top condition (fresh paint job, sparkly clean, great landscaping), then listing your house during the summer, means not only selling it faster, but getting more money for it. As far back as we can track historical data, the price of homes … Continued

Can’t afford to stage your Indianapolis home for selling?

Many buyers today expect the homes they’re viewing to not just be clean and in good quality, but they also want them to be staged — this means the furniture and appliances match the home, look brand new, and improve the overall aesthetic of the property. To be fair, staged homes DO sell better according … Continued

Max Out Your Cash Offer

How To Get The Most Money Out Of Your Home: As a company that has bought and sold dozens of properties, we want to help YOU get the MOST amount of money you possibly can for your house. We’re going to walk you through several mistakes that folks make when trying to sell their property for … Continued